Three New Marijuana Bills Intro’d In California Legislature


The Weed Blog

​Three new marijuana-related bills were introduced on Friday in the California Legislature, according to Dale Gieringer of California NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws).

AB 2465 (Campos, D-San Jose) would require all medical marijuana patients to get a state ID card and also register the address where they grow cannabis.
“This bill is a blatantly unconstitutional amendment to Prop 215, as it abridges the fundamental right of patients not to be arrested upon the ‘written or oral’ recommendation of their physicians,” Gieringer said.
AB 2365 (Nestande, R-Palm Desert) would amend the Family Code to require that family courts consider parents’ documented use of prescribed controlled substances — including medical marijuana and “narcotic maintenance medications” — in child custody proceedings.

At present, the family code does not explicitly address these issues, although they are frequently brought up in family court proceedings.
AB 2600 (Norby, R-Fullerton) would prohibit the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from revoking a person’s driving privileges for simple possession of one ounce or less of marijuana.
At present, an automatic revocation of license is required for conviction of any “drug offense,” including cannabis, when a motor vehicle is involved.
A fourth bill, AB 2312 (Ammiano, D-San Francisco) would establish a state regulatory system for medical marijuana along similar lines to that proposed in the Medical Marijuana Regulation Control and Taxation Act initiative.