Check Out This Marijuana Legalization Billboard In Colorado


The Colorado Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has unveiled the above billboard — located just a few hundred yards from Mile High (hehe) Stadium in Denver — as part of a groundbreaking effort to force people to confront their anti-marijuana biases prior to a vote on a statewide cannabis ballot initiative this November.

“We are not suggesting that marijuana is better than alcohol,” the Campaign says on its website. “We are simply asserting that there are many good reasons to use marijuana instead of alcohol.
“Some people, however, are stuck in their beliefs and haven’t considered that marijuana may be a rational alternative to alcohol.”
The literally in-your-face nature of the billboard towering over a liquor store (and its booze ads) evidently proved a little much even for the initiative organizers, who by noon on Thursday had cropped the liquor store out of the photo. 