Both LA County DA Candidates Set Sights On Pot Dispensaries


Mae Ryan/KPCC;
Chief Deputy DA Jackie Lacey, left, and Deputy DA Alan Jackson

Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber? So much for actual choices at the ballot box.

Los Angeles County district attorney candidates, Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson and Chief Deputy District Attorney Jackie Lacey, on Thursday night held what may be their last debate before the November general election — and while they disagreed on many issues, both candidates vowed to continue to prosecute medical marijuana dispensaries, even if voters overturn the city of Los Angeles’ dispensary ban, reports The Los Angeles Times.

LA Weekly reporter Gene Maddaus, who moderated the debate, asked both candidates whether they’d continue to prosecute owners of dispensaries if city voters repeal a ban on pot shops; both said yes, reports Frank Stoltze at KPCC..
“It’s my position that over-the-counter sales for money of marijuana are illegal,” Lacey said.
“Those folks are simply drug dealers,” agreed Jackson.

Lacey, 54, chief deputy district attorney, is second in command to current L.A. County District Attorney Steve Cooley, notorious for his irrational hatred of medical marijuana and the patients who need it, and supports his restrictive policies regarding cannabis. Cooley has endorsed her, as have the labor unions that represent L.A.P.D. cops and L.A. County deputies.
Jackson, 46, is assistant head deputy of the major crimes unit, and has publicly criticized Cooley’s handling of the relationship with former police union President Steve Ipsen, who is now suing Cooley in federal court for alleged anti-union activities.