After 20 years in prison, Missouri man serving life for weed asks Gov. for clemency


Chris Mizanskey.

For the past 20 years, Chris Mizanskey, now 33, has had to go to prison to see his father. But his dad, Jeff, is not a murderer or a rapist. He was, however, busted for possession of about five pounds of pot, his third marijuana-related felony. And in Missouri, if you get three drug felonies, even if it’s just marijuana, you can get life without parole.
Meanwhile, during the past two decades, Chris has seen a sea change in marijuana laws, as several states have legal pot for medicine and two states have it for recreational use. So lately he has been wondering why his dad is sentenced to die in prison for something that most of America considers harmless — and he wants Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to address his concerns by granting his father clemency. Riverfront Times has the full story.
