Colorado woman sues city, claiming religious persecution keeps her from opening marijuana center


Melody Kenyon of Fort Collins, Colorado, was shocked when her application to open a medical marijuana dispensary by the name of Canna King was denied by the city. She was so shocked, that she has filed a lawsuit in the Larimer County Court against the city of Fort Collins, claiming that it is the city, not her, who is guilty of moral turpitude.

According to her complaint, her application to open the new medical marijuana center was denied on the grounds that “the criminal history and lack of good moral character of Associated Person and owner” had not been properly disclosed in the application process. Kenyon is slated to be a 90% owner of Canna King. She filed an appeal, but it was shot down due to her apparent inability to prove that she had been properly “rehabilitated” after whatever happened in her past to call her “moral character” into question.
Well, it turns out that ganja is only half of Kenyon’s game. Her true passion is a bit more… hands on. Busted in Nebraska in 2012 in a sting operation by the Omaha Police Department with 2 condoms on the bed and a naked undercover agent hiding in the bathroom screaming his safe-word, Kenyon pled guilty to two counts of prostitution. She paid a $250 fine, did no time, and figured it was behind her.
Now that her new business venture has been stalled by the city of Fort Collins, Colorado, based on a silly fine in Omaha, Nebraska, Kenyon was ready to set the record straight.
The steamy details spelled out in her 18-page suit lay out her side of the story, which she admits could be “misconstrued as something sexual”. On that fateful day in 2012, the undercover agent contacted Kenyon and arranged to meet up at the Candlewood Inn & Suites for “spiritual counseling” in the form of the Hindu religious practice of Tantra. Apparently Kenyon was known for administering such treatments, and in doing so, had landed herself on the cops’ radar.
Upon meeting, the officer paid Kenyon an undisclosed amount of money and somehow convinced Kenyon to consent to him recording the event on video. With that, he wiggled out of his clothing, lying face down butt-naked on the bed.
Using items like animal fur and her own hair, she proceeded to touch the agent in an increasingly sensual manner, finally telling him that she intended to pull out his “lingam” with her “yoni”. Roughly translated, the two words refer to symbols of energy and power. But, they are also common references to the phallic “lingam” being a cock – undercover cop cock, in particular – and the vaginally-inspired “yoni” taking its root in the ancient Sanskrit word for ‘vulva’.
With chatter of yonis and lingams flying around, and the appearance of the two condoms on the bed, the agent pulled the plug on the operation and his colleagues with Omaha P.D. stormed the suite.
Far from ceasing or desisting, Kenyon still runs her traveling Tantra service, now making clients sign a waiver before the rabbit pelts and rubbers come out.
Her complaint filed on December 11th against the city of Fort Collins, is that not only should her past religious persecution not be held against her, but that it is the city, not her, that is guilty of “failing to disclose criminal behavior”.
In a classic case of cutting off one’s nose to spite their face, the crime she accuses the city of is “allowing individuals and entities to sell marijuana for profit in violation of federal law”. In other words, exactly what she is applying to do with Canna King.
She and her partner in Canna King, a man named Eric Theodore who also allegedly failed to mention a previous arrest on their application, seek a judicial review of the city’s denial of her application, then a declaration voiding it, and of course, some cash for their legal fees and “damages”.
Chances are, she won’t be getting the happy ending she seeks.
