Marijuana: What’s in store for Colorado on January 1?


Colorado has become ground-zero for pot coverage in recent weeks, culminating January 1 when recreational cannabis sales begin for adults 21 and up around the state. In case you didn’t know already, our sister blog over at the Denver Westword is the source for coverage. As Westword editor Patricia Calhoun writes:

The calls and e-mails keep coming, sometimes several an hour. And they all want to know the same thing: On January 1, where will they be able to buy pot? Good question. The state just released its first list of 136 completed applications for recreational marijuana stores on Monday, but all of those applicants still need to jump through the hoops in their various municipalities before they can sell marijuana. By mid-December, Denver — which has over 200 medical marijuana dispensaries, the only businesses that can apply to sell recreational marijuana — had received more than 100 applications to open retail stores.

Read the rest over at The Latest Word.
