Miami-Dade county looking into legal medical pot growing


While Florida only has a very limited CBD-only medical marijuana law on the books, it is starting to look like a much broader medical marijuana ballot initiative could pass. That would mean the Sunshine State could soon be awash in legal marijuana grow operations, and Miami-Dade county wants to make sure they don’t miss the boat on a potential financial windfall.

Earlier today Miami-Dade Commissioner Dennis Moss passed a resolution instructing the county to begin assessing “the potential impacts of the legalization of medical marijuana on agricultural areas.” Moss says the move isn’t meant to be seen as support for or against medical marijuana, he just wants to see if farmers in his agriculturally-rich part of the country could benefit from the law changes.
Moss says the county “should be prepared for the possibility that medical marijuana is legalized,” according to the Miami Herald.

The measure passed the commission with only one vote against it coming from Commissioner Javier Souto who clearly hasn’t done his research and equated medical marijuana legalization to illicit drug use.
“There was a time when cocaine was considered just a substance that didn’t matter,” Souto said at the meeting. “We’re dealing with very difficult matters which can inflict tremendous pain and tremendous suffering and tremendous complications for our society.”
He clearly missed the part where this difficult matter actually will help ease the “tremendous pain” and “tremendous suffering” in our society by giving people access to free (or low-cost), natural medicine they can cultivate on their own.
