Oregon legalization measure to be on November ballot


The beaver thinks you should legalize pot.

Should the possession, cultivation and sales of limited amounts of marijuana be legal in Oregon?
We say yes, of course, but that decision will ultimately be up to Oregon voters this November as a legalization ballot measure has officially qualified for the ballot. Read more below.

“This is our moment to be part of history and lead a movement,” Dominique Lopez, an organizer for New Approach Oregon said in a release. “Treating marijuana use as a crime has failed, but together we can win a more sensible approach and better the lives of Oregonians.”
Election officials verified that New Approach Oregon had collected about 88,500 signatures Tuesday, signaling the start of the final campaign push before elections. Oregon voter rejected a very broad statewide initiative in 2012, but NAO officials say this time around is different.
“We will ensure that all voters are aware that this is a completely different measure than the measure in 2012,” said Anthony Johnson, director of New Approach Oregon. “This measure is much more regulated and restrictive, and we’ve taken the best from Colorado and Washington and believe that Oregonians are ready to pass a well-regulated measure such as this one.”
Adults 21 and up would be able to grow their own herb at home with a maximum of four plants at a time. They can keep up to eight ounces at home at any time and possess up to one ounce in public. Sales of cannabis would also be legal for adults 21 and up and dispensaries would be under the control of the state Liquor Control Board. According to the proposal, pot would be taxed at $1.50 a gram and $35 an ounce, with money going to schools and drug treatment programs. Local and state law enforcement will also see some of the tax dollars.
Predictably, cops are against the measures. So, of course, is Kevin Sabet, director of anti-cannabis group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, who pulled out his beaten donkey of an argument for the Wall Street Journal that marijuana legalization is purely about profits for big corporations who will scam the public like Big Tobacco:
“I think they’re smart and they’re going to see what this is about, which is money,” Sabet said. “It’s going to make a couple of guys rich who are going to profit off the new tobacco industry.”
If you’re an Oregon voter, do yourself a favor and take five minutes to read the entire New Approach Oregon measure.
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