Cheryl Shuman says she’s getting a Super PAC together in Florida


BPBNT courtesy of Cheryl Shuman.
Cheryl Shuman posing for photos in a garden she likely doesn’t actually tend.

Cheryl Shuman runs the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club out of L.A., which she says sells one of the first designer brands of pot (never mind that there apparently isn’t an actual dispensary). Her product runs $750 an ounce and comes wrapped in 14-carat gold (no word on if anyone is naive enough to actually pay that). New dupes customers often get star treatment: Chefs will come to their mansions to prepare cannabis-infused meals.
In fact, Shuman claims her entire clientele is star-studded. She says she’s sold to celebrities like Justin Timberlake, who told Playboy in 2011 that he “absolutely” smokes. Other clients have to be kept on the down-low, and the business lacks a brick-and-mortar location in the Hollywood Hills. (She claims a lot, actually, and some say she’s full of it). Now the self-professed “Martha Stewart of marijuana” wants to start a political Super PAC of pot-smoking mommies in Florida to help get medical marijuana passed this November. Read more at the Broward-Palm Beach New Times.
