Young Democrats like Marijuana, Young Republicans Don’t, Independents Love It


According to a poll this week, young Democrats smoke more marijuana than young republicans. Yes, they needed a study to tell them that. The results also show that the highest rate of cannabis use is among “independent” voters who don’t indentify with either party.

According to the study, the usage results are almost identical to the results of a question asking whether or not respondents would legalize medical and recreational marijuana. Democrats favored legalization of medical and recreational cannabis about 53 percent of the time and Republicans favored it 33 percent of the time. Independents topped that list as well, with 58 percent agreeing that marijuana should be legalized.
Interestingly, when put together, the results show 37 percent of all respondents are in favor of legalizing drugs for medicinal uses while 20 percent said we need stronger police enforcement against drug users. Twelver percent said that the solution was to legalize all drugs.
The poll, conducted by Bendixen & Amandi International, was given to roughly 1,200 people via telephone between September 12 and 22 of this year. For all of the raw data, visit
