Industry Group Wants Edibles Companies to Make Pot Edibles Safely


Infused oils.

It won’t come as a surprise to anyone who follows the cannabis industry that last week’s inaugural National Cannabis Industry Association’s Infused Product and Extraction Symposium in Denver focused heavily on safety issues — both consumer safety and employee safety. The importance of proper procedures and protocols was emphasized in almost every session.
For example, local trainer Maureen McNamara presented her three-hour food handler course with a bit of a twist, customizing it with cannabis-specific information.

McNamara, who teaches ServSafe food-safety and alcohol courses through her training business, Dynamic Learning, says she first became aware of the need for a marijuana-targeted program because cannabis-focused clients began attending her general-purpose food-safety courses.
“Food safety training is something I’ve been doing for eighteen years,” she says, “so I started thinking about how I could apply the knowledge to this new industry. Because the ingredient is new, but baking and producing treats and candies is not new. And the participants in cannabis-focused businesses that are becoming my clients are really committed to doing things properly, safely, knowledgeably and compliantly, and it’s been great to see.”
More at the Denver Westword.
