Iowa Board of Pharmacy Again Urges for Medical Marijuana Laws


Iowa lawmakers seem rather slow to respond to outside stimulus. In 2010, the state Board of Pharmacy said lawmakers should consider allowing Iowans to access legal medical marijuana. The suggestion was completely ignored at the time, but the Board says they need to consider it now.
So once again, the Board of Pharmacy is going to take up the issue and will hold a hearing November 17 to get public input.

In 2010, the board reclassified cannabis as a Schedule II drug under state law – meaning it has some medically beneficial uses. It’s provided some controversy, as the state also still lists marijuana as a Schedule I drug according to the Des Moines Register.
Some say the move helped push a bill last year that allows for Iowa residents to access high-CBD oils and extracts. Sort of, that is. The bill is so restrictive that nobody in Iowa will be seeing any relief from cannabis or cannabis-derived products any time soon. Basically: it’s an unworkable system.
A recent poll conducted by the Register showed that 59 percent of Iowa voters would approve of medical marijuana laws.
The Board of Pharmacy meeting is set for 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 17 at the board’s headquarters in Des Moines, 400 S.W. Eighth St. Expected speakers include members of the state Pharmacy Association, Iowa Department of Public health and the University of Iowa.
