Marijuana Legalization Wave Will Hit California in 732 Days, Supporters Say


It might not have been a fruitful election for President Obama and his fellow Democrats, but one faction of lefties and libertarians had a banner day: We’re talking about drug-decriminalization supporters. Voters in Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C. approved the legalization of limited amounts of recreational marijuana for the 21-and-older set. Californians approved categorizing minor drug possession as a misdemeanor, via Proposition 47. And New Jersey reformed its bail system in a way that will keep many low-level drug offenders out of prison.
But when it comes to marijuana, California is looking like the never-the-bride bridesmaid again this year. Despite our groundbreaking, 1996 initiative that made us the first state in the union to legalize medical marijuana, the Golden State has been slow to join the recreational craze. Activists say that’s about to change.

Reform California, a coalition aiming for recreational legalization in California in 2016, today declared that there are “733 days until California votes to legalize cannabis.”
The group says that $8 million to $12 million will be needed to gather enough signatures to make the ballot and to campaign for passage.
More at the LA Weekly.
