New Hampshire’s First Medical Marijuana Shop Submits Proposal, Faces Instant Opposition


Dennis Action said that the side effects of cancer treatment nearly killed him in 1999. If it wasn’t for medical cannabis, he likely wouldn’t be here. And now he wants to help others, proposing what would be New Hampshire’s first medical marijuana facility in Epping.
But he’s facing some pretty ignorant opposition from the county selectmen.
“Marijuana is marijuana, whether you’re using it for medical purposes or enjoyment, it’s still illegal,” Thomas Gauthier, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, said to Action Monday night at a hearing according to WMUR.

“No it isn’t. Medical marijuana is now legal in New Hampshire,” Acton fired back.
New Hampshire approved medical cannabis laws last year, allowing for up to four medical pot stores and grow facilities in the state.
But that might not be happening in Epping. The selectmen questioned whether or not the pot shop fit in with the NIMBYs in the town. Some said their “bedroom community” didn’t need the shop, while other proposed putting a ban on marijuana businesses before voters.
No action was taken last night, though Action now has to take his proposal to the Planning Board next month. If approved, he could move forward with getting a state license.
