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A chunk of PB and Jilly Bean.

Is Missouri ready to join Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon and Washington, D.C., in legalizing marijuana? The St. Louis Post-Dispatch thinks so.
The editorial board for St. Louis’ metro daily newspaper has often supported legalizing pot, especially with this region’s history of hemp agricultural production. But a week after Show-Me Cannabis filed the first round of paperwork to get the issue on the 2016 ballot, the Post-Dispatch published a piece headlined, “Editorial: Could pot legalization make Missouri’s 2016 ballot? Let’s hope so.

Mad Hot Hip Hop
Snoop spoke up for Willie after that star’s Texas bust; now those same Texans popped Snopp, too.

​Music legend Snoop Dogg was reportedly arrested in Texas this weekend for possession of marijuana.

According to celebrity website TMZ, the rapper got busted after a drug-sniffing dog detected marijuana on his tour bus! What a shocker, eh?
Snoop’s bus was stopped at a border patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca. Does that sound familiar? Well, that could be because it’s the same town that busted Willie Nelson back in 2010.

What’s up with these Sierra Blanca hayseeds? Why do they hate music and America??
After Willie’s bust in 2010, Snoop had come to the country star’s defense, saying “They better leave Willie the fuck alone.” It doesn’t take much imagination to picture the Sierra Blanca outpost of the Border Patrol just waiting for the day when Snoop passed through…

Formerly Incarcerated & Convicted Peoples Movement

​The damage of the War On Drugs continues long after the original arrest and incarceration. Discrimination against formerly incarcerated people lasts a lifetime, in the form of reduced employment opportunities, removal of the right to vote, and economic hardship.
“The War on Drugs is the biggest cause of disenfranchisement,” said Formerly Incarcerated & Convicted Peoples Movement co-organizer Pastor Kenny Glasgow. In 2008 Glasgow won a groundbreaking lawsuit restoring the voting rights of the currently incarcerated and those convicted of drug crimes in Alabama.