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The amount dispensaries charge for an ounce of cannabis in Colorado varies radically from place to place.

As evidence, check out the latest Colorado numbers from, which uses a crowdsourcing approach to gathering its data.

The priciest figures for high-quality marijuana are more than twice as hefty as the lowest ones — and the farther a buyer is from the Denver metro-area (or, in one instance, Colorado Springs), the likelier he or she is to pay a premium price.

Of course, the term “high-quality” is imprecise, and costs vary from place to place in any community with multiple dispensaries. But the digits still indicate that importance of location, location, location.

Steve Elliott ~alapoet~

By Ron Marczyk, RN

“It is clear that we’re in the midst of a serious national conversation about marijuana.” ~ Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske
Let’s start that serious national conversation about marijuana! Seventy-five years late is better than never. Why now? Because marijuana legalization support is growing and is more popular by several points then any politician in the country! 
This new marijuana majority has the momentum, the votes and the moral high ground; if you support prohibition you are showing your age and your lack of medical science knowledge and you shouldn’t be in office making decisions that affect young people 18-34 who are the new face of America.
This new marijuana spring just gave birth to legalization.


By Jack Rikess
Toke of the Town
Northern California Correspondent
I had the privilege and honor of attending a conference this past week in San Francisco titled, “Cannabis In Medicine.” The symposium brought together all levels of health care workers: Doctors, nurses, researchers and other medical professionals, mostly unfamiliar with marijuana as a medical treatment, gathered in one room to receive straight, sober information. We were treated to the results of data, case studies and clinical trials conducted using cannabis therapy.


​​​By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town
Northern California Correspondent

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told a constituent in favor of legalizing marijuana that he doesn’t support the idea because drugs like pot lead to death.
Mitch McConnell lies about marijuana because he forgot how to tell the truth. Working for the Tobacco Industry since you were a pup politician will do that to you.
You can tell how out of touch a person is by the archaic issues they’ve raised. Mitch feels comfortable going with the baseless lie that cannabis kills. Hey Mitch, as long as you’re living in the 1950s, why don’t you go after comic books and rock ‘n’ roll too, while you’re at it?!  
A little hint: Today’s fear mongers are finding success with the more robust and contemporary propaganda themes like “Kid Brings Magic Brownies to Preschool” and “Are Stoner Drivers the Death of Us All?” to keep the Reefer Madness alive.


​A 55-year-old man in Colorado has been denied residence by an apartment complex after his daughter revealed that he had a medical authorization to use marijuana.

Marlena Martino said that managers at Minnequa Shores apartment complex in Pueblo, Colorado, rejected her father’s application for a lease due to his medicinal cannabis use, reports Jeff Tucker at The Pueblo Chieftain. Managers at the apartments declined to comment on their drug policy.
“We go to sign the lease and the woman brought up their policy on drugs and crime,” Martino said. “I told her about his medical marijuana certificate and she said we couldn’t sign the lease.
“What I don’t understand is how you can pick and choose which laws to follow?” Martino asked. “Who are you to decide what’s valid?”

Photo: SodaHead
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: “Possession of marijuana is still a federal felony as far as I am aware and my deputies aren’t going to violate federal law.” Well lah-de-dah, big guy.

​People who are arrested by Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff’s deputies for any criminal violation and who are card-carrying medical marijuana patients will not be allowed to retrieve their medicine upon release from jail, according to a policy decision announced by Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Wednesday.

In addition, police officers who bring suspects into the Sheriff’s jails with marijuana in their possession along with a medical marijuana registration card will be required to maintain the marijuana in their own separate police property rooms, according to a press release from the sheriff’s office.
The attention-loving, headline-grabbing ass-wig Sheriff Arpaio — who has publicly boasted that he has no idea how to use a computer — said marijuana is “deemed as contraband” in his jails, “and as such will not be stored here for other police agencies.”

Photo: Eric Kayne

By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town

Northern California Correspondent

​I am totally Fed up.

If you haven’t heard already, ex-presidents, prime ministers, eminent economists and the Big Dudes of the business community will be meeting to discuss how the world’s drug policies “just ain’t working.” The quote is mine.
The Global Commission on Drug Policy will host a press conference at the prestigious Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York on Thursday, to pull the trigger on their findings that describe the Drug War as a failure and call for a “paradigm shift” in approaching the issue.
The commission will demand that the focus change from criminal justice towards a public health approach. The global advocacy organization Avaaz, which has nine million members, will present a petition in support of the commission’s recommendations to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
The commission cites such factors as the cartel-related violence in Mexico, President Barack Obama’s comment that it was “perfectly legitimate” to question whether the War On Drugs was working, and the wider global economic crisis. These factors have the world leaders questioning whether it is time to change our course when it comes to the War On Drugs.