Search Results: spa (6462)

Across the pond this weekend, The Daily Mail (aka Britain’s version of Fox News) dropped their version of a bombshell story, claiming that they had found the source of the scourge of high grade weed that they claim is infesting their countryside.
A news rag known for its hardline conservative slant, The Daily Mail is hardly a trusted source for reliable cannabis news, or really any news for that matter, but their alleged insight into the growing pot market is so completely ass-backwards, it is really no wonder that the UK trails so far behind the US when it comes to cannabis reform.

Spanish customs officials busted a 64-year-old man pretending to be an imam, or Islamic preacher, this week who was carrying four pounds of hash under the flowing robe of his costume.
Customs officials say they stopped Azad Bishir Levi after he stepped off a boat from Morocco with a funny walk – apparently, the kind of limp you have when you’ve not done a good job of strapping hash to your body.

A chunk of PB and Jilly Bean.

Is Missouri ready to join Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon and Washington, D.C., in legalizing marijuana? The St. Louis Post-Dispatch thinks so.
The editorial board for St. Louis’ metro daily newspaper has often supported legalizing pot, especially with this region’s history of hemp agricultural production. But a week after Show-Me Cannabis filed the first round of paperwork to get the issue on the 2016 ballot, the Post-Dispatch published a piece headlined, “Editorial: Could pot legalization make Missouri’s 2016 ballot? Let’s hope so.

High as a satellite.

A man accused by federal authorities today of operating an online drug bazaar called Silk Road 2.0 allegedly did so as he worked briefly at Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket and spacecraft concern in Hawthorne.
SpaceX communications director John Taylor says 26-year-old Blake Benthall was employed at the company from Dec. 9 to Feb. 21. A Facebook page for a Houston-bred man with the same name as the suspect says he was a software engineer at the South Bay company.

Buddha Tahoe OG.

A somewhat surprising number of Florida’s biggest and most influential newspapers have come out against medical marijuana. The Orlando Sentinel, the Tampa Bay Times, and the Florida Times-Union are just a few. None of those editorials actually bashes the idea of medical marijuana. They’re cool with it, in theory. They just think that it should be an issue decided on by the Florida Legislature and that the amendment is too vague and will cause some sort of abuse. What kind of abuse? No one knows — the editorials are being very vague about it.
This of course ignores two key points:
1. There is no way the Florida Legislature in its current Republican-controlled form will legalize medical marijuana (and this amendment failing will give it more reasons not to do so).
2. Floridians already smoke tons and tons and tons of marijuana.
More at the Miami New Times.

During the upcoming midterm elections, Hispanic voters are likely to be key in many races across the country — but could they slow the move toward broader marijuana legalization? That possibility is among the takeaways from a Pew Research Center study looking at Latino voting trends. PRC found that Hispanics are less likely than white or black voters to favor such policies.
The report, entitled “Latino Voters and the 2014 Midterm Elections,” notes that proposals to legalize marijuana for recreational use are on ballots in Alaska, Oregon and the District of Columbia, with medical-marijuana measures up for voting in Florida and Guam. Such votes are important, say cannabis-reform advocates such as the Marijuana Majority’s Tom Angell, because positive results are likely to lead to a tipping point that would cause the federal government to alter pot policies for the country as a whole.

Dope! That’s what comic books are! Dope! And those dirty books should be scrubbed, put through the wringer and have the dirt squeezed from them!
At least, that’s the gist of this December 30, 1948 column in the Steamboat (Colorado) Pilot by George Bowra, an (at the time) relatively well-known figure in the American West. The tone of the article is over the top, bordering on satire — which might make sense considering Bowra’s history as a colorful character. But we’re not so sure he was joking.

The tiny confines of the Space Bucket.

Editor’s note: We realize the vast majority of marijuana users are living in places where growing cannabis is legal and people don’t have to hide. That in mind, we wanted to highlight a home-spun, stealth growing operation we thought was perfect for those of you who wanted to grow small amounts in places where cannabis cultivation is still frowned upon.
All you need to grow your own weed is a bucket and a dream. That’s the message behind “Space Buckets,” an innovative marijuana growing method designed with a tiny circular footprint. For about a hundred bucks, and a weeekend’s worth of work, you can build a microfarm that yields up to two ounces of herb at a time.

As the cannabis movement goes more main stream, the hucksters, frauds, snake oil salesmen, and get-rich-quick types are coming out of the woodwork. Nowhere does such a low-level life form thrive better than on the world wide web.
But while information becomes more readily available online, reliable information becomes more of a rare and valued commodity – particularly when it comes to pot. The charlatans trying to profit on the cannabis boom know this, and they are quite literally in a race to cash in as large as possible before the capitalistic opportunity of a lifetime dries up.
This haste – and its consequences – has been demonstrated time and again in the grey-collar world of trading weed-related stocks. As despicable as this practice of pumping and dumping pot stocks is, at least they are targeting adults.

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