It was only a matter of time until cannabis became part of the seltzer craze, and the pot industry didn’t wait long. But instead of diving into fizzy waters alone, Oh Hi, a Durango-based cannabis seltzery, joined forces with the bubbling water’s nemesis: craft beer.
Marijuana’s future in the United States remains a hot topic as Super Tuesday approaches. Formerly dismissed by virtually every presidential candidate, supporting pot legalization now seems a prerequisite for any
Democratic hopeful. The level of support varies, however, with some candidates preferring giving states the right to choose, while others are pledging to legalize marijuana through executive action if need be.
Hiring a retired athlete to push hemp products has gone from a trend to simply the way things are done in the emerging CBD industry. Now a Colorado CBD company has lured an NBA legend to do more than that.
Does Michael Bloomberg think marijuana users are stupid?
Well, that’s really not a question. He’s already made his opinion known…and in Colorado.
If you smoke a lot of pot, you might find yourself in trouble at the blackjack table, according to a newly released study from Oregon State University.
A marijuana speakeasy is on the verge of opening in Denver.
Colorado marijuana dispensaries sold even more weed in 2019 than we’d predicted they would in 2019, according to recently released sales figures from the state Department of Revenue.
Soda was recently cut out of my diet, but giving it up wasn’t hard; candy, pie and cereal are much more important to my sweet tooth. The few times I do indulge in a pop, however, I like to go with the old-school varieties, like root beer, cola or red, orange and original cream sodas. Black cherry is another great choice, highly underrated and hard to find — to the point of having to buy it in an overpriced glass bottle at the grocery store.
Cannabis users waiting for places to socially consume in Colorado are in for a slow burn, despite recreational marijuana being legal here since late 2012 and dispensary tasting rooms and pot lounges receiving state approval in 2020.
Cannabis doesn’t share the same connection to Valentine’s Day as alcohol, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with the plant on romantic occasions. Although we’ve never pushed the concept of “aphrodisiac strains,” smoking pot can very much heighten an already existing mood between lovers.