Search Results: 2013/ (1034)

Photo by Sage Ross, CC by-sa

It’s an almost cliched stoner adage that Big Pharma is actively working to keep marijuana illegal so they can keep you on their pills. We’ve all had the at least one encounter with a pro-pot zealot who will delve deep into this subject at the drop of a hat.
But the thing is: it’s all true. Take Dr. Herbert Kleber, a leading anti-pot academic from Columbia University who has fought hard against marijuana legalization for years – all while on the payroll of Purdue Pharma, which makes OxyContin, as well as several other high-profile painkiller manufacturers. He’s not alone, either.

Week after week, we report on headlines and stories regarding the many, many potential health benefits there are to responsible cannabis use. From epilepsy to cancer, and from ADD to PTSD, cannabis, in many cases we are told, can possibly cure them all.
Reactions to these headlines usually bounce back and forth between the anti-cannabis crowd saying something like, “No way…” to the pro-pot people saying, “Holy shit!” But the results of a study just published in JAMA Internal Medicine have merged the two reactions into a pretty universal reply of “No shit!”

Despite laws requiring the testing of all cannabis sold in Colorado for mold, contaminates and pesticides, the state says they won’t have any of that ready until the end of the year at the earliest.
According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, regulators are going to miss their self-imposed October 1 deadline to get the program up and running so that they can further tweak their system. Officials say they are going to begin beta testing soon.

BPBNT courtesy of Cheryl Shuman.
Cheryl Shuman posing for photos in a garden she likely doesn’t actually tend.

Cheryl Shuman runs the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club out of L.A., which she says sells one of the first designer brands of pot (never mind that there apparently isn’t an actual dispensary). Her product runs $750 an ounce and comes wrapped in 14-carat gold (no word on if anyone is naive enough to actually pay that). New dupes customers often get star treatment: Chefs will come to their mansions to prepare cannabis-infused meals.
In fact, Shuman claims her entire clientele is star-studded. She says she’s sold to celebrities like Justin Timberlake, who told Playboy in 2011 that he “absolutely” smokes. Other clients have to be kept on the down-low, and the business lacks a brick-and-mortar location in the Hollywood Hills. (She claims a lot, actually, and some say she’s full of it). Now the self-professed “Martha Stewart of marijuana” wants to start a political Super PAC of pot-smoking mommies in Florida to help get medical marijuana passed this November. Read more at the Broward-Palm Beach New Times.

There is so much speculation surrounding the killing of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri. Despite eyewitness accounts, a federal investigation by the Justice Department, and three separate autopsies, there is still no common consensus as to what exactly happened that fateful day.
Much like in the case of the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, there seems to be a go-to formula that the defenders of the shooters tend to roll out each time we face one of these tragedies, and it seems to always paint the dead victim as a dangerous pothead.

According to data compiled by the National Review, welfare recipients have used electronic benefit (EBT) cards to withdraw cash at dispensaries at least 259 times since the sale of limited amounts of cannabis to adults 21 and up began in Colorado on January 1.
In total, more than $23,600 of money meant to go toward food and housing from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program was withdrawn, according to the conservative publication. And while there’s no way to prove the money was spent in dispensaries, that doesn’t matter to the lawmakers who immediately demanded something be done.

Local beat cops just love busting stoners. Really, it’s probably a pretty easy racket. They rarely fight back, and in many cases the arresting officer can score a 2-for-1 by nabbing a minority carrying some weed. That may sound harsh, but statistics have shown for quite some time that pot busts – particularly those involving minorities – are the low hanging fruit in the world of law enforcement.
A review of the first six months of the new marijuana laws in Seattle, Washington has revealed equally disturbing numbers and trends. And shocking nobody, law enforcement spokespersons in America’s fastest growing city are showing little sympathy for the terribly skewed results.

It has long been known that the various compounds (cannabinoids) found within the cannabis plant have amazing healing capabilities, particularly when it comes to fighting cancer.
The American mainstream media finally began to catch on after Dr. Sanjay Gupta went primetime on CNN with his groundbreaking documentary, simply titled WEED. Almost overnight, the acronym “CBD” had entered households and vocabularies who would otherwise never consider any form of cannabis.

In what must be the biggest shocker in the history of the War on Drugs, a bunch of cops and county attorneys in Arizona don’t want pot legalized in Arizona. We’re kidding, of course. It’s not shocking at all.
The Arizona County Attorney and Sheriff’s Association yesterday took a “voice vote” on a resolution that officially opposes marijuana legalization in Arizona. The do-nothing resolution comes as a push for the legalization of limited amounts of cannabis for adults 21 and up in 2016 is starting to build.

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