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Dain Helmers
What the hell strain has SHE been smoking?

An Oregon anti-legalization billboard depicting a haggard, stereotypical “drug addict” which reads “What is good about marijuana? Nothing,” may be coming down after protesters organized on Facebook and vented their unhappiness to both the anti-drug group responsible for the message and the billboard company renting them the space for their reefer madness propaganda.

The billboard in question, at the corner of 122nd and Division in Portland, which is in opposition to Measure 80, the voter initiative which will be on November’s general election ballot and would legalize cannabis in Oregon, features what has been discovered to be a manipulated stock photo of a “meth addict,” reports Deborah Morgan at
Several of these billboards have been spotted in the Portland area, according to Bettie Retro, who works at a medical marijuana patients’ lounge downtown. Retro said a coworker saw the billboard at 122nd and Division on his way to work, and shared the story with his colleagues. Portland is home to almost 10,000 registered, legal medical marijuana patients.


They’ve got their fingers on the pulse of the flourishing medical marijuana trade in the United States, and they’re coming to Tempe, Arizona next weekend to instruct future entrepreneurs and green thumbs on the ins and outs of the highly complex cannabis industry.

From how to get into the business and stay compliant with state laws, to how to master the intricate bud-tending process, Los Angeles-based MedMen’s Adam Bierman and Andrew Modlin say they possess a unique set of skills and talents in a field still very much in its infancy.
The go-to guys for many dispensary owners, legal experts and members of the media seeking insight on medical marijuana stories in California, MedMen are now shifting their focus to help the Grand Canyon State and its patients benefit from the knowledge of Cali growers, business advisors and products experts.

Moms For Marijuana
Beginning in October, the quilt will be sent across the U.S., to be on public display through a series of regional conferences and rallies

Moms For Marijuana, a grassroots network of parents and other citizens across the world who are concerned with the ignorant war being fought against the cannabis plant, is sending a Cannabis Quilt across the United States in a show of solidarity and unity, demanding the legalization of marijuana.

In just a few short years, Moms For Marijuana has grown from a MySpace page (started by founder Serra Frank) to 120 chapters in 14 different countries, with more being added literally every week. The group has had more than 20,000 “Likes” on its Facebook page in the last year alone, according to Candace Junkin, Maryland chapter leader with Moms For Marijuana.

Civil Rights Leaders Denounce Egregious Racial Disparities in Marijuana Law Enforcement at the Historic Five Points Intersection in East Denver 
The NAACP Colorado Montana Wyoming State Area Conference has endorsed Amendment 64, the campaign to regulate marijuana like alcohol in Colorado. This endorsement is the third of its kind. The NAACP California State Conference endorsed a similar measure in 2010, and the NAACP Alaska Oregon Washington State Area Conference recently endorsed an Oregon legalization effort.  

Marty Caivano/Colorado Daily
A reveler lights up at the 4/20 smoke out on the CU-Boulder campus last year.

The eternal culture battle between the straights and the stoners continues to play itself out as 4/20, the international cannabis holiday, becomes a lightning rod for controversy. The latest iteration of the battle has more than 350 University of Colorado – Boulder students RSVPing to a Facebook event encouraging students to wear a suit and tie to campus and around Boulder on Friday, April 20, to protest the 4/20 smoke out.

That’s right — they want you to pledge your allegiance to a morally, ethically and financially bankrupt system that has spent untold tax dollars, for the past 75 years, arresting millions of people for no better reason than that they choose to use a harmless plant. And they want you to do that by identifying with the overarching, corrupt power structure so strongly that you validate their tottering worldview by donning a suit, the symbol of their drab mindless conformity and hen-hearted unwillingness to rock the boat.

John Moore
A man smokes a joint at a 4-20 celebration in front of the state capitol building, April 20, 2010, Denver, Colorado

By Artemis Hendy
Special to Toke of the Town
From all over the world, people regularly make hazy pilgrimages to the Mecca of cannabis smoking, Amsterdam. It is not only home to liberal drug laws and a huge selection of cannabis cafes; it is also a stunningly beautiful city with picture perfect canals all over the place, historic churches lurching out of the scenery and quaint buildings on every corner. You can’t help but want to move there. 
But chances are you have been there and bought the t-shirt — and now, Amsterdam is threatening to ban foreign “weed tourists,” anyway.
So why not try an alternative cannabis-conscious destination? Such as…
Just more than 1,000 valid signatures are needed for November’s ballot, but organizers plan to turn in 2,000 to make sure

Advocates Begin Circulating Petitions To Overturn City’s Ban On Safe Access To Medicinal Cannabis

A team of community activists on Friday converged in Imperial Beach, California, and began circulating a petition and gathering signatures to place the Safe Access Ordinance of Imperial Beach on the November general election ballot.
If passed, the measure would overturn Imperial Beach’s current ban on safe access to medical marijuana and replace it with reasonable zoning regulations and operational requirements for medical cannabis dispensing collectives and cooperatives wishing to operate in the city.
The Imperial Beach City Council began working on this issue two years ago when Marcus Boyd, vice chair of San Diego Americans for Safe Access and local business owner in Imperial Beach, brought the issue to them at a council meeting.
At that time, the city denied Boyd’s request for a business license and adopted a temporary moratorium, promising to conduct research and return a reasonable ordinance in just a few months.

Moms For Marijuana

Call To Action

Wednesday, March 21
11 a.m. Pacific

Butte County, California Assistant District Attorney Jeff Greeson thinks he can take children away from their parents — just because the parents are legal medical marijuana patients. Assistant D.A. Greeson this week refiled felony child abuse and misdemeanor child endangerment charges against a mother of two nursing children who were three weeks old and 15 months old at the time they were taken.

Daisy’s three-week-old baby was literally ripped from her arms by county officials representing Child Protective Services (CPS) and the District Attorney’s office for no better reason than that Daisy and her husband, Jayme Walsh, are medical cannabis patients (

Drug Policy Alliance
Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson (left) will join Drug Policy Alliance Executive Directeor Ethan Nadelmann (right) to speak about the need for greater momentum and political debate to end the failed War On Drugs

To Be Discussed Thursday, March 15: Legalization Debate in Latin America, Portugal’s Decriminalization Experience, Marijuana Legalization Ballot Initiatives in Colorado and Washington, and the State of National Drug Policy Reform Efforts
Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson will join Drug Policy Alliance Executive Director Ethan Nadelmann to speak about the need for greater momentum and political debate to end the failed Drug War this Thursday, March 15, at a forum organized by The Atlantic (600 New Hampshire Ave. NW, 8th Floor) from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m.
Steve Clemons, editor at large of The Atlantic, will host the session and interview Branson and Nadelmann before opening to questions from the audience and media.
In the past year, Branson has stepped out as a prominent supporter of drug policy reform. His involvement with the Global Commission on Drug Policy electrified the international media and brought a new level of attention to the growing movement to end the 40-year-old War On Drugs.


Latin America Leads The Way; UN Remains Closed To Change

The 55th annual session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) started on Monday in Vienna, Austria, with a focus on strengthening the drug program of the United Nations. Government representatives from more than 100 countries will discuss international cooperation in combating drugs, and the enforcement of the current prohibition model. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime will invite delegates to celebrate 100 years of “successful” drug control. Are these people disconnected from reality?
“No changes to the UN conventions or even constructive discussions on alternative policies on drugs are to be expected at this meeting,” said Ruth Dreifuss, former president of Switzerland and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy (GCDP), a group of international leaders that has called for an end of the global War On Drugs.