Martha Stewart And Snoop Dogg Bake Brownies, Rap Together


Snoop Dogg: “Buy my medicine, buy my medicine…” Fo’ shizzle.

​​When rap music icon and stoner legend Snoop Dogg visits and you cook a batch of brownies, there are going to be pot jokes.

But things got even better than that when Snoop visited Martha Stewart’s show.
Snoop Dogg: “Trying to make some brownies, but we’re missing the most important part of the brownies.”
Stewart: “You want green brownies… brownish green brownies.”
Snoop: “The greener, the better!”
Stewart: “The greener, the better!”
Then, together, they break into an awkward, impromptu rap.
Is it just me, or is Martha a lot more “street” than she was before she did time?