Academy of Cannabis Culture Opening In Seattle


Graphic: ACCTech

A new institution of higher learning is opening in Seattle. The Academy of Cannabis Culture and Technology is scheduled to officially open on September 7.

ACCTech plans to offer courses and seminars on Washington’s medical marijuana laws, as well as a range of classes providing patients with professional instruction on cultivating their own medicine and cooking with cannabis.
The Academy didn’t waste any time getting things started — it’s already held its first seminar before officially opening its doors. On August 27, Seattle attorney Kurt Boehl educated medical marijuana patients on how to comply with Washington state’s complex medical marijuana laws.

Other courses will be taught by the likes of Hempfest founder Vivian McPeak and Ken Estes, the breeder behind the popular medical marijuana strain Grand Daddy Purple.

Graphic: ACCTech

​”We’re going to teach medical cannabis patients to brow their own medical cannabis and how to stay in compliance with ever-changing state laws,” said ACCTech co-owner Jason S., who also operates the website The need for instruction is urgent, according to Jason, since Governor Christine Gregoire earlier this year vetoed legislation that would have protected dispensaries and growers.
“Despite local laws in Seattle and a few other cities, many patients in this state have been denied safe access to medicine and now have to grow their own,” Jason said. “ACCTech will teach these patients how to provide for themselves and comply with state laws in a professional academic environment while building a united community of legal growers.”
Located in South Seattle, ACCTech plans to offer everything from one-class seminars on the history of cannabis to four-week courses on the complexities of medical cannabis cultivation.
The school also plans to house to most complete library of medical marijuana literature anywhere and to allow alumni of is courses to gain entrance to the Student Union Building where they can socialize, grab a coffee, enjoy free wifi and trade medical cannabis knowledge in a safe environment.
“ACCTech begins operation at a time when the medical cannabis community is being forced to recalibrate itself due to a new and often-confusing state law,” Jason said. “Many medical cannabis patients have never before been put in a position where they are forced to grow for themselves and there is a definite lack of deep bench in terms of cannabis educators in Washington state.”
For more information about the new cannabis school, visit
