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It could mean a clean sweep.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

Legalization is ahead in all nine states where it’s on the ballot.
The Florida Democratic Party  donated $150,000  to support MED in Florida. Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson  gave another $500,000  to oppose MED in Florida.

Hundreds of cases may not go forward.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

An emerging evidence-tampering scandal in Boston-suburb Braintree has jeopardized hundreds of drug prosecutions. Former inmates explain drug dealing in prison to The Daily Beast.

Some states are reducing the size of drug-free school zones, a policy that’s under new scrutiny. The State University of New York, one of the country’s largest systems, will stop asking applicants if they have a felony conviction.
Let me grow.

The movement to reform our failed cannabis policies has grown tremendously in recent years and months. It’s not slowing down anytime soon. Cannabis reform is a mainstream issue, and frankly, there’s no denying it. A majority in the county support legalizing cannabis, and 81% support its legalization for medical purposes.
On top of this, a majority of states in our country (27 in total) have either decriminalized cannabis possession (14), or legalized it for medical and/or recreational purposes (18). The remaining states are hard at work towards reform, and advocates in the states mentioned above are vehemently trying to improve their situation. For those who have been on the line about getting involved in helping bring cannabis law change, now is absolutely the time to jump in.
Below is a breakdown of efforts going on around the country:

DUI Maze Blog

Giving medicinal cannabis patients a mixed bag — with some things they asked for, and some things they opposed — the Michigan House passed a series of bills on Thursday to modify the state’s medical marijuana law.

The changes include rules for the relationship between a patient and the doctor who authorizes medical marijuana use, and law enforcement access to the state’s patient registry, report Dawn Bell and Bill Laitner of the Detroit Free Press.
The four bills were all adopted on bipartisan votes, clearing the three-fourths majority needed to amend a voter-enacted law (Michigan voters legalized medical marijuana in 2008).
Similar majorities will be needed in the Michigan Senate before the changes become law, “but I do think we’ve sent a package they can adopt,” said an optimistic Rep. John Walsh (R-Livonia), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

DUI Maze Blog

​Medical marijuana patients, caregivers, and organizations will all gather under one roof Sunday as Ann Arbor’s Clarion Hotel serves as Independence Hall while activists and interested parties will coordinate testimony to ensure all the implications of medicinal cannabis are properly explained to the Legislature.

The Michigan House of Representatives has a package of four bills under consideration that would alter the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMA) or associated laws. Those bills are currently being reviewed in the House Judiciary Committee, under the authority of Chairman John Walsh (R-Livonia).
Chairman Walsh has determined that the package will be considered in a series of hearings, which will include testimony from selected groups and organizations to be followed by statements from the public.

Photo: Ted S. Warren/AP
In which Dino Rossi learns that making fun of medical marijuana patients is bad politics

​The political atmosphere around marijuana has changed. It used to be a slam dunk to make fun of marijuana users — even medical marijuana patients — but a recent drama which played out in Washington state showed how much that has changed. A Republican candidate for U.S. Senate has been forced to “clarify” a series of tasteless jokes he made at the expense of medical marijuana research and patients.

“Last week, Republican Dino Rossi issued an extremely immature and thoughtless press release criticizing federally funded research being conducted at Washington State University into marijuana’s effect on pain medication,” said Mike Meno of the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP).
The two-year study, by psychology professor Michael Morgan, involves injecting rats with synthetic cannabinoids and opiates in order to research their combined actions in order to find ways to improve treatment for people suffering from chronic pain.
“Rather than emphasize the great need for this type of research, as well as the proven efficacy of marijuana in helping to manage pain, Rossi decided to revert to hackneyed and unoriginal middle-school level humor,” Meno said.

Graphic: NORML

​A new poll shows half of New York state voters support legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana.

The Siena Research Institute says 50 percent back medical legalization, while 41 percent are opposed and 9 percent say they don’t have enough information, reports The Associated Press.
Medical marijuana was particularly popular among liberals (72 percent support), among those between 18 and 34 (62 percent), and Democrats (55 percent), according to pollster Steven Greenberg.
Conservatives opposed medical pot (61 percent), as did Republicans (59 percent).
The poll surveyed 810 registered voters in New York from Monday through Thursday of last week. The margin of error is 3.4 percentage points.

Photo: Des Moines Register
Almost two-thirds of Iowans believe medical marijuana patients shouldn’t be arrested.

​A new Iowa poll shows that almost two-thirds of Iowans — 64 percent — think patients should be allowed to use marijuana as medicine if their doctors approve.

However, fewer than a third of Iowans want to legalize cannabis for recreational purposes, the same poll shows, reports the Des Moines Register.
Fourteen states in the U.S. have already legalized the medical use of marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation.
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy plans to decide Wednesday whether to recommend that the Iowa Legislature follow suit.
Medical marijuana supporters say that cannabis can relieve pain and nausea for many patients suffering from debilitating diseases, including cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis.