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The medicinal uses of marijuana span a wide variety of diseases and disorders, but a recent study conducted by Colorado State University indicates that cannabis may not be as useful for treating depression and anxiety.

In December 8, researchers in the Department of Psychology at Colorado State University published a study regarding the relationship between marijuana use and depression and anxiety in study participants. Led by professor Lucy Troup, a cognitive neuroscientist at CSU, the study focused on the residual effects of marijuana over time on three groups of students — casual users, chronic users and non-users — and observed how individuals assessed their levels of depression and anxiety.

None of them touch the plant.
The following is excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Get your free and confidential subscription at
Four cannabis companies made the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing private companies. They are the media site Leafly, Apeks Supercritical, a manufacturer of extraction equipment, Marijuana Business Daily, and, an equipment retailer. Inc. spoke to MBD’s Cassandra Farrington “ High priestess of marijuana business intelligence.”

Marijuana Business Daily estimates that tourists in Colorado bought almost $100M worth of REC last year, about 17% of the state total.

BBC reporter Heather Alexander.

It’s always interesting to see the take on American medical and recreational cannabis from our friends across the pond. This recent report from the BBC on legalization in Colorado is proof of that, with the reporter singling out the ski resort town of Breckenridge as the potential American version of cannabis-friendly Amsterdam in the Netherlands. As a Coloradan, I highly doubt that will be the case — but the report does bring up a few interesting ideas.

Some people are taking this quite literally.

This weekend, Denver’s CBS4 reported about marijuana being advertised for free on Craigslist in exchange for donations or other offers, and questioned whether the practice was legal under Amendment 64; see the video below. But the folks behind 4 Strains Pipe & Tobacco are confident they’re doing nothing wrong in offering a small amount of cannabis as a bonus to folks purchasing other merchandise.

Toke of the Town’s Song of the Day, “Fire It Up,” was written by Don Ray and guitarist Billy Smart at the request of the Florida Cannabis Freedom Festival, which took place last weekend.

The song has also gotten the attention of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and the Don Ray Band will be performing at the NORML Southeastern Conference concert on December 15 at the Douglas Corner Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee.
You can buy “Fire It Up” on ReverbNation by clicking here.

Photo: I Am Nothing Without My Words
Alexandra Sandbäck: “What exactly did they think we would do? Storm the building?”

‘What did they think we would do – storm the building?’

Exclusive Report and Photos

Last Saturday the first-ever Radical March and Helsinki Smokeout was held by pro-cannabis advocates in Finland.

At 4:20 p.m., a big group of people lit up joints, bongs and pipes in front of the Parliament Building in Helsinki to support, as the organizers stated, “…decriminalization of the use of cannabis, possession of small quantities and farming for personal use to adults.”
The march, organized by Defenders of Nature (Luonnon Puolustajat), started from Hesperia Park at 4 p.m., gathering a crowd of about 200 to 300 people from all over Finland, journalist/activist Alexandra Sandbäck told Toke of the Town on Tuesday.
“Some of the participants arriving by bus from Pori were held up by police outside the city center for what was called a ‘routine control’ of tires, logs, and whatever else,” Sandbäck told us. “After 30 minutes, they let the bus continue on after giving the driver a fine for something minor. The bus went straight to the Parliament Building where people were getting ready to light up.”

Stoners Against Prop 19
Dragonfly De La Luz: The smugly self-satisfied new face of cannabis prohibition in California.

​It didn’t take long after the defeat of Proposition 19, which would have taxed and regulated marijuana in California, for the cannabis community to realize that legalization’s ignominious defeat was fueled by the duplicity — some would say outright treachery — of certain greedy, reactionary elements within the community itself. Boycotts against anti-Prop 19 businesses are now being organized.

So-called “Stoners Against Prop 19” — traitors to the movement such as Dennis Peron, Dragonfly De La Luz and J. Craig Canada — whether through stunning ignorance or outright malice, spread disinformation about exactly what the measure would have done.
They busily sowed division, distrust, and fear among a community that should have been united in striving to loosen the death grip of 70+ years of cannabis prohibition.
Offered the opportunity to embrace the future, these reactionary elements formed a fifth column within the medical cannabis community.
For who knows what reasons — maybe the miserly interest of preserving big pot profits? — they shamelessly allied themselves with the law enforcement and prison lobbies, with the Religious Right, and with the same intolerant fundamentalists behind the No On 19 campaign — the very same people, in the case of one statewide organization, that headed up the Proposition 8 anti-gay marriage initiative two years ago.