Browsing: Say what?

A judge sentenced a former Pima County (AZ) Sheriff’s deputy for his role in ripping off drug smugglers, attempting to distribute marijuana, and aiding a drug trafficking organization. Francisco Jimenez pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years in prison for conspiring to commit offenses against the United States: stealing government money and possession with intent to distribute marijuana, all done because of an agreement with a drug trafficking organization to protect drug loads and steal money from rival organizations. For the rest of this story, head over to the Phoenix New Times.

El Paso County Sheriff.
Actual ice cream truck.

The coolest ice cream truck in El Paso, Texas won’t be serving up treats anytime soon after the driver was found with herb inside after a traffic stop. About 3 p.m. on Friday, two patrollers with the El Paso County Texas Sheriff’s department saw an ice cream truck with an expired registration sticker and a cracked windshield – or so they say.

A California beach bust from last year.

Add military bases to your list of places you don’t want to use as a drop zone for your $1 million marijuana haul. Yesterday a 20-foot boat was found floating upside down without an engine floating outside of Vandenberg Air Force base Santa Barbara, California. Since the base – the third largest in the world – is used for testing missiles and firing rockets into space, this caused quite the stir.

Platshorn in his smuggling days.

Since late 2012, former drug smuggler turned activist Robert Platshorn has been buying up TV time on local stations for an infomercial. Provocatively titled “Should Grandma Smoke Pot?,” the spot aims to educate the elderly on the pros of medicinal legalization, an extension of Platshorn’s popular “Silver Tour.”
But now Platshorn says his ads are being pulled just as the Florida legislature is taking up medical marijuana legislation introduced last month. “Stations have refused to carry it due to subject matter, and unfortunately the law does allow you to do so,” he tells the New Times.
For the entire story from Kyle Swenson, head over to our friends at The Pulp.

Here’s another government study sure to get some traction in the coming weeks: Scientists with the National Institute of Health say they have found that marijuana can stay in your system for up to a month! (gasp!) But despite the study only testing latent THC levels and never putting the participants behind the wheel of even a simulator, researchers insist that it shows how stoned drivers are a dangerous threat.
Seriously. And people get paid to come up with this bullshit with your tax dollars.
Artist rendition of weed cannon.

It’s almost something out of an old Wile E. Coyote cartoon. But unlike Acme cannons this one worked, and it was launching cannabis instead of a cartoon carnivore. The Mexicali Public Safety Department Tuesday say they confiscated a pneumatic gun used to shoot bales of herb and other drugs into the United States.
And they’ve been doing it for some time.

Mark Starkovich.

Here’s a real gem of a stoner story from our sister paper, the Minneapolis City Pages. Apparently Mark Starkovich of Duluth, Minn. is new to smoking ganja. Last April Starkovich managed to burn down part of an abandoned apartment building while trying to light a bowl of weed. While he at first denied the crime, police say he eventually copped to lighting some papers on fire in order to smoke pot out of the pipe. Don’t worry, the logic escapes us too.

For more, head over to the original post over at

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