Search Results: crime/ (70)


Lots of folks get a little lonely around the holidays, and they all deal with it in their own way. For 30-year old Jared Kreft, the best way he could think of to cope with the holiday blues was to seek out a little romance.
When he entered some stranger’s barn last Wednesday night in Wasau, Wisconsin, he knew he was trespassing… but love was in the air.

If you live in a place where marijuana is illegal and get locked out of your apartment and have left weed sitting out on the table and live plants growing in a back room, suck it up and call a locksmith or break a window and pay the cost to replace it. Whatever you do, don’t raise a scene outside and get the cops called on you. And if you can’t help yourself and have to bang and scream on the window so loud that the cops do come, do not let them let you in the door.
An Iowa woman clearly didn’t understand that very simple logic last week.

Patrick Quinn, from a screenshot of KHOU coverage.

Police in this country have a problem. Sure, there may be some good, honest cops out there but they’re too often overshadowed by bully-creeps like 26-year-old Patrick Quinn, a school district cop in Houston.
During a recent traffic stop, Quinn allegedly told a woman he smelled weed in the car. That’s not what he wanted to be smelling, though. Nope. His olfactory glands were tuned to other things: her feet and underwear.

Commons/Iris Ventura Crosby.
A baby nursing, from WikiMedia Commons.

Despite the overwhelming evidence to suggest that breastfeeding a baby within the first few days of life greatly improve their health over time, a hospital in Portland, Oregon refused to allow Crystal Cain to nurse her premature newborn.
Their reason? She used medical cannabis occasionally during her pregnancy as a natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs to help deal with her nausea and anxiety at the suggestion of her midwife.

Every toker has their favorite stash spot when needed, whether it is the fifth pocket of a pair of jeans, the beltline of your boxers or the hidden pocket in the tongue of your shoes.
But however crafty those places may be, 42-year-old Florida resident Christopher Mitchell has them beat. Or, did have them beat until last week when cops found nearly an ounce of herb under Mitchell’s belly fat after a traffic stop.


Update – 10:00 a.m. 5/21/2014: FBI Director James Comey has pulled a 180 today, announcing that he is in no way loosening the agency policy on marijuana use. Comey has indicated that his comments were a joke (an unfunny joke that basically stereotypes all young people and computer hackers as pot users). Comey retracted his comments today at a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting after being grilled by Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions.
“I am absolutely dead-set against using marijuana,” Comey said today. “I did not say that I am going to change that ban.” Original story below.

Screen shot of the grow from CBS5 San Francisco.

We read a lot of fucked-up stories related to cannabis here at Toke, but this one might be the most disturbing we’ve read in a long, long time.
Two California men aged 30 and 24 have been charged with keeping a 15-year-old girl as a work/sex slave on their heavily-armed Clearlake marijuana farm, locking the girl in a 4x2x2 metal box for days on end according to local news

Marijuana possession would not be included in Louisiana’s draconian mandatory minimum sentencing laws if a bill introduced earlier this week manages to find approval in the state legislature.
State Rep. Austin Badon, a democrat from New Orleans, introduced House Bill 103 on Tuesday which in addition to removing marijuana possession a qualifying offense for the state’s three strikes law.

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